INCOSE Policies

This page lists the policies established by the International Council on Systems Engineering (hereafter as INCOSE) Board of Directors under the authority granted them by the INCOSE Bylaws. Each policy is identified and numbered in the accordance with policy MGT-100: INCOSE Policy – 29 Jan 2020.

Documents referenced within a policy are found at the end of the policies and identified and numbered sequentially. LST-100 INCOSE Members Benefits Table – 03 Sep 2020

For each policy the List of Policies shows:

  • Type Designator-Number,
  • Name, and
  • Date of approval by the Board of Directors.

Within each policy each clause (paragraph) is numbered to facilitate reference to that clause. When a policy has multiple named sections, clause numbering begins anew within each section.

At the end of each policy, the following control information is maintained:

  • Supersedes (date of issue of the version, if any, that the current policy supersedes).
  • Approved by (INCOSE President approving the issuance of the policy in accordance with Board of Directors Action).
  • Maintained by (INCOSE Officer, Organization, or Committee responsible for maintaining the policy. Maintaining a policy involves assuring that it is followed and recommending changes that would be in the interest of INCOSE).

Using this Document

Each policy item is indexed below. The current versions are available from this website. Changes generally occur after the Symposium, the International Workshop, and meetings in between. To check for changes, compare the date in the Introduction with the date in the Introduction of your current copy.

Request for Policy Changes or Additions

All requests for changes or additions to these policies should be coordinated with the Policy Management Committee (PMC) prior to presentation at the Board of Directors.

When proposing a change to an existing policy, create a text or Word file with the following parts:

  • Policy Designator-Number,
  • For each clause for which a change or addition is proposed:
    • If a modification of existing clause, copy of the current text.
    • Proposed revised or new clause. (A new clause will be given the next available number in the section to which it is being assigned.) If the proposal is to delete a clause, the proposed text for the clause should be "deleted"
  • Rationale for the change.

When proposing a new policy, create a text or Microsoft Word file with the following parts:

  • Policy type designator (Policy Management Committee (PMC) will assign the number when the Board of Directors approves the policy),
  • Proposed policy title,
  • Proposed clauses,
  • Proposed maintainer,
  • Rationale for the change.


The formal INCOSE bylaws, filed with the State of California, are available online for member review. The INCOSE bylaws were last updated March 2020.

INCOSE Articles of Incorporation

The formal articles of incorporation, filed with the State of California, are available online for member review. The articles of incorporation were filed for the National Council on Systems Engineering (NCOSE) on 21 November 1991. A certificate of amendment was filed on 1 June 1995 to change the name to the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).

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