INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Are You Ready to Model?

Topic: Are You Ready to Model? Considerations for Building Effective Models

Speakers: Casey Medina, CSEP, OCSMP, Founder Studio SE 

    When:  Tuesday, September 13th, 2022, 5:30 to 7:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time

    Cost:  Free Online Event

    Virtual Venue: Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed prior to the event and are included in your confirmation email message.  Slides will be available on the LA Chapter web site We plan to record the event.

    Abstract: As MBSE and SysML gain traction and popularity in a variety of industries, it begs the question: “Are we really ready to embrace modeling and simulation?”
    In this session, we will explore the factors that will encourage and inhibit success in adopting model-based methods. Come prepared for an enlightening and interactive discussion as Casey Medina describes his experiences and revelations from deploying MBSE across a range of organizations.

    Biography: Casey Medina, CSEP, OCSMP is an experienced instructor and dynamic speaker. He owns Studio SE, a company dedicated to providing exemplary training and coaching in Systems Engineering, MBSE, and general product development disciplines. Casey and his staff work across industries to ensure companies have the skills they need to be successful in our contemporary, digital engineering, environment. 

          His training programs are pragmatic and successfully transform individuals into effective practitioners. Casey and his staff have trained countless individuals to best practices in requirements engineering, MBSE methods, system architecture, risk management, human factors and usability, and verification and validation.
          Casey holds numerous patents in medical device development and has several patents pending approval.  He is a frequently invited speaker and lecturer by professional societies and universities.  He is an instructor for Caltech’s CTME and has lectured at the University of Denver, University of Colorado, and has worked with researchers at Dublin City University.

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