Orlando Chapter Meeting - Building and Integrating an Information Security Trustworthiness Framework for Aviation Systems

Orlando , USA
12901 Science Drive

*** Please Note the change of venue to Leidos in Research Park South of UCF ***

Dinner: 6:00 PM
Chapter Business: 6:15 PM
Guest Speaker: 6:30 PM
RSVPEventbrite by 5 PM Tuesday the week of the meeting.

You are invited to become a member of INCOSE (go to https://www.incose.org/about-incose/incose-membership/incose-membership) but the meeting is open to all; you do not need to be an INCOSE member to attend.

None. Dinner is provided courtesy of chapter membership with RSVP.

Anna Baron Garcia 

About the Presentation:
The aviation infrastructure is broadly composed of aircrafts, air traffic control systems, airports, and public air fields. Much attention has been given to physical security along the years this industry has been expanding; and now, in the new age of interconnection devices, a growing concern about cybersecurity has risen. The never-ending improvement of new digital technology has given birth to a new generation of electronic-enabled (e-enabled) aircrafts that implement a remarkable amount of new technologies such as IP-enabled networks, COTS components, wireless connectivity, and global positioning systems. For example, aircraft manufacturers are building wireless systems to reduce the amount of wiring within an aircraft. The general purpose of this is the reduction in weight that helps an aircraft achieve lower fuel consumption, but it can result into a security issue since these wireless systems are vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. Therefore, since the aviation infrastructure has taken advantages of this era of technology and is providing unprecedented global connectivity, there is a need for an in-depth study of the measures being taken to mitigate the security vulnerabilities that these e-enabled aircraft technologies introduce that may have not been considered in the traditional aircraft design.

About the Speakers:
Anna Baron Garcia is a graduate student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, finishing her Master's degree in Cybersecurity Engineering and starting her doctoral studies in May 2019. She is currently doing research on safety and security co-engineering for aviation systems and security standardization. Her research interests focus on Safety, Certification and Standardization, Security Framework and Policies, Cybersecurity law, and Networking. Before she started her graduate studies, she finished her Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Engineering at BarcelonaTech UPC, and went to work on cybersecurity projects for ESA (European Space Agency) and Banc Sabadell, where she was part of their cybersecurity blue team and red team respectively.

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