About INCOSE and the Canada Chapter


The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is a not-for-profit membership organization founded to develop and disseminate the interdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realization of successful systems through the use of effective tools, techniques, methods, knowledge standards, principles and concepts.


INCOSE Canada Chapter is a local chapter of the International Council of Systems Engineering. We are dedicated to building a vibSilver Circle Awardrant community of practitioners by hosting talks of interest to the systems engineering community.

In July 2023, the INCOSE Canada Chapter was awarded the Silver Chapter Award for its achievements.



The world's authority on Systems Engineering.


Share, promote and enable the successful realization, and use of engineered systems, systems principles and concepts, and scientific theological and management methods for the benefit of humanity and planet. As the Canada Chapter we're bringing INCOSE's mission to Canadian Engineers.


  1. To provide a focal point for dissemination of systems engineering knowledge.
  2. To promote international collaboration in systems engineering practice, education, and research.
  3. To assure the establishment of competitive, scale-able professional standards in the practice of systems engineering.
  4. To improve the professional status of all persons engaged in the practice of systems engineering.
  5. To encourage governmental and industrial support for research and educational programs that will improve the systems engineering process and its practice.

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